Memory ── Connecting Ancient and Modern  記憶 ── 連繫古今

Cultural Projects in Protection of Memory of Mankind

  • The Memory of the World Programme has four main objectives which are equally important and also complementary to one another


(1) Interaction among multiculture, intangible cultural heritage and memory project

Explore the integration of diverse cultures in a global perspective and the interactive relationship among documentary, cultural and intangible cultural heritage, including the conservation of cultural heritage, especially the destruction of historic sites by wars – a lesson we all should learn; in addition, record history through the way of oral history.

(2) Memory Programme in the conservation and the use of documentary heritage

In addition to protecting physical documents, it is a new challenge in document digitalization which involves in the protection of electronic documents that are widely used at present. It leads to discussion of the balance between the protection and use of documentary heritage from the technological and cultural perspectives

(3) Promoting cultural identity among young people

Encourage young people to learn their own national history and the collective memory of world. Inspire them to join the industry of document preservation and attract more young people to the field through a variety of lively and interesting projects

(4) Long-term development of Memory of the World Programme

Through publicity, cooperation, communication, formulation of relevant regulations and agreements.


1). Protection

Adopt the most appropriate approach to protect the documentary heritage with world significance and encourage the protection of the documentary heritage with national and regional significance;

2). Utilization

Maximize the equal use of documentary heritage without discrimination. The emphasis here is on the democratization; that is to say, any access of archival material that is available under national archival law should be treated equally, including foreign citizens. Meanwhile, Memory of the World Programme emphasizes the equal importance of preservation and utilization. They are like two sides of a coin and the purpose of protection is to provide utilization which is the most effective way to gain government and social support and obtain financial assistance.

3). Product sales

Develop and promote various products based on cultural heritage; the funds obtained from the profits should also be used for the conservation of documentary heritage.

4). Awareness

Raise the world's awareness of its documentary heritage, especially those with the world significance.


  • Memory of the World Programme explores multiple fields and categories

(1) Interaction among multiculture, intangible cultural heritage and memory project

Explore the integration of diverse cultures in a global perspective and the interactive relationship among documentary, cultural and intangible cultural heritage, including the conservation of cultural heritage, especially the destruction of historic sites by wars – a lesson we all should learn; in addition, record history through the way of oral history.

(2) Memory Programme in the conservation and the use of documentary heritage

In addition to protecting physical documents, it is a new challenge in document digitalization which involves in the protection of electronic documents that are widely used at present. It leads to discussion of the balance between the protection and use of documentary heritage from the technological and cultural perspectives

(3) Promoting cultural identity among young people

Encourage young people to learn their own national history and the collective memory of world. Inspire them to join the industry of document preservation and attract more young people to the field through a variety of lively and interesting projects

(4) Long-term development of Memory of the World Programme

Through publicity, cooperation, communication, formulation of relevant regulations and agreements.